Nations increasingly depend on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the proper functioning of their national Critical Infrastructure (CI) and society at large. ICT, such as Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) can be so critical to the well-being of a nation that their disruption poses a threat to national security and results in severe economic impact. ICT that qualifies as such can be referred to as a national Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). Examples of elements that are part of CII include communication networks, data centres, industrial control systems, and digital services within organisations that have been designated as critical to a nation. That is why governments are designating critical information infrastructures (CII) and establishing their protection mechanisms.
Our team of experts has a proven track record of supporting and assisting nations in identifying national critical information infrastructures and developing critical information infrastructure protection frameworks.
We establish at the earliest opportunity, national cyber security stakeholder involvement through dialogue, consensus, and ownership: